What Is Network Address Translation (NAT)
If you’ve been following my blog, you know I recently wrote a three-part series on the OSI Model. Continuing that trend of networking blogs, in this one, I’ll be covering a very important topic in the world of networking, and that’s NAT (Network Address Translation). I promise this is easier to understand than the OSI Model haha :P The Problem That NAT Solves: Shortages of IPv4 Address Before we learn about what NAT is and does, it’s important to discuss why we even need it in the first place. IPv4 addresses can be either publicly routable or in the private address space for IPv4. Publicly routable addresses are assigned by The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) to ISPs, which then further allocate them to end users like AWS or even you or me. These publicly routable addresses need to be unique for the internet to function correctly. ...