Hey! My name is Arsh. Across the internet, you’ll also find me as @RinkiyaKeDad in many places. I’m currently a Developer Experience Engineer at Okteto.

My experience in various engineering roles, combined with my ability to explain technical concepts in a simple way, allows me to offer unique value. I’m usually the engineer on the non-engineering teams. What does that mean?

  • I work with Marketing to create technical content, tutorials, demos, and collaborations with other products.
  • I work with Product teams to provide developer-centric feedback and assist in documentation efforts.
  • I team up with Sales to provide case studies, competitor analysis, and other content to help close deals.

its a me

You can find my conference talks here. If you want to read some of my articles, you can head here. Links to all my socials are on the home page. The most reliable way to reach me is to send an email to hey@arshsharma.com.

Work Experiences

Not a big fan of duplicating information. If you want to read more about my past work, you can head over to LinkedIn.

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